State Consumer Privacy Notice

This State Consumer Privacy Notice applies to residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, or Virginia,1 and sets forth their rights under their respective state’s comprehensive privacy laws.

This State Consumer Privacy Notice supplements our Privacy Policy. It explains what Personal Information (PI) we collect about you, where and from whom we obtain it, why we collect it, and your respective state rights regarding it. If you are a California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, or Virginia resident, this notice applies to any PI that we collect about you.

1State Consumer Privacy Effective Dates: California - January 1, 2023, Colorado - July 1, 2023, Connecticut - July 1, 2023, Utah - December 31, 2023, Virginia - January 1, 2023

PI We Collect And Disclose For Business Purposes

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we may have collected the following PI about California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, or Utah residents, and have disclosed/shared it for the business purposes described as follows:

Category of PI



Categories of Third Parties to Which We Disclose
PI for Business Purposes

Shared for Advertising Purposes

Categories of Third Parties with Which We Share PI for Advertising Purposes

Some Personal Information included in the categories below may overlap with other categories.


A real name, alias, postal address, email address, business email address, unique personal or online identifier, internet protocol (IP) address, account name, password, phone number, organization name, state licenses(s), medical license(s), social media handles/ID, fax, specialty, hospital/facility affiliation, medical group, languages spoken, accepting new patients, website URL, office accessibility, degree, zip code, date of birth , or other similar identifiers.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Contracted Service Providers, Vendors

Personal information categories

A name, signature, physical characteristics or description, insurance policy number, education, employment or employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, corporate credit card number, other financial information, medical information, health insurance information, salary.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Protected classification characteristics

Race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, color, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth related medical conditions), veteran or military status, or family tier.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Sensitive personal data categories

Government-issued identification number, financial account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to such account, precise geolocation information, contents of email or text messages, genetic data, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, biometrics data, health data, mental or physical health condition or diagnosis, data concerning sex life or sexual orientation, citizenship or immigration status, personal data collected from a child, assignment country.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives





Commercial information

Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Biometric information

Vital signs, labs, test results, sleep health, or exercise data.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Internet and/or network activity

App/web usage, browsing history, search history, information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application or advertisement, type of device, type of browser, or website URL.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives



Geolocation data

Geolocation data.



Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives





Sensory data

Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.





Professional or employment-related information

Professional or employment-related information.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives





Education information subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Education information.


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives





Inferences drawn from other personal information

Profile reflecting a person's characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, aptitudes, or mental health assessments


Contracted Service Providers, Employers, Providers, Vendors, Family Members/ Friends/ Brokers, Insurance Carriers, Government Agencies, Specifically Authorized Representatives




We will retain the foregoing categories of PI consistent with our internal record-retention policies and for as long as is necessary to provide products and services to you or as required by law.


PI does not include:

  • De-identified or aggregated consumer information
  • Publicly available information from government records
  • Health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) or clinical trial data
  • PI covered by other privacy laws, including: The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994

Categories of Sources of PI

We obtain the categories of PI listed above from:

  • You or your authorized agent,
  • Service providers,
  • Affiliates,
  • Publicly available information,
  • Organizations with which you are employed or affiliated, or
  • Activity on our apps and websites

Collection from these sources may occur online, in person, via paper or other electronic means, and may occur automatically where state law permits such profiling absent an explicit request to opt-out.

Why We Collect PI

We collect your PI for one or more of the following business purposes:

  • To respond to an email or particular request from you
  • To communicate with you
  • To personalize services for you
  • To process an application as requested by you
  • To administer surveys and promotions
  • To provide you with information that we believe may be useful to you, such as information about products or services provided by us or other businesses
  • To perform analytics and to improve our products, websites, and advertising
  • To comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes
  • To protect someone's health, safety, or welfare
  • To protect our rights, the rights of affiliates or related third parties, or take appropriate legal action
  • To keep a record of our transactions and communications
  • To detect and protect against security incidents
  • To debug to identify and repair errors
  • As otherwise necessary or useful for us to conduct our business, so long as such use is permitted by law

Sharing Your PI

At times, we may share your PI with third parties to display advertisements to you based on your activities, preferences, or interests. You may opt-out of this activity on your device by using our cookie management tool on our website and by submitting a request via the Do Not Share My Information link on the website.

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have not sold any PI.

Third parties are not allowed to use or disclose your PI other than as specified in our contract and as permitted by law.

If we seek to use your PI for a materially different purpose than we previously disclosed in this notice, we will notify you and will not use your PI for this new purpose without your explicit consent.

Sensitive Personal Data

We only process Sensitive Personal Data to render services or offer products to you.

Your Rights

  1. You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your PI. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will disclose to you: 
    • What PI we collect about you
    • Where and from whom we collect PI about you
    • Our business purpose for collecting PI about you
    • The types of third parties with whom we share your PI
    • The specific pieces of PI we collect about you, in a readily-usable format—note that we will not disclose your actual Social Security number, driver’s license number or other government-issued identification number, financial account number, any health insurance or medical identification number, an account password, or security questions and answers
    • The types of PI that we disclosed about you for a business purpose, and the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed your PI
  2. You have the right to be informed about the PI that we collect about you at the time that or before we collect it. This is that notice.
  3. You have the right to request that we delete any PI about you that we have.
  4. You have the right to request a correction of any inaccurate information in the PI we collect about you.
  5. You have the right to stop us from sharing your PI to display advertisements to you based upon your activities, preferences, and interests.
  6. If we use your sensitive PI for purposes other than to render services or offer products to you, you will have the right to request that we limit the processing of your sensitive PI.
  7. You will not be discriminated against or penalized for exercising your rights to your PI, and we will honor your rights by not:
    • Denying you services,
    • Charging you different prices or rates for services,
    • Imposing penalties, or
    • Providing you with a different level or quality of services
  8. Applicable law may require or permit us to decline your request. If we decline your request, we will tell you why and you may appeal this decision (see additional information in Appeals section below).

How to Exercise Your Rights

  • You may exercise your rights by calling us at 800-503-5814 or submit your online request here.
  • You may opt-out of the sharing of your PI collected on your device by using our cookie management tool on our website and by submitting a request via the Do Not Share My Information link on the website.
  • You may be required to submit proof of your identity for these requests to be processed.
  • We will not be able to comply with your request if we are unable to confirm your identity.
  • You may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf subject to proof of identity and authorization.


  • We will acknowledge receipt of your request within 10 days of receipt of your submission. You will receive our response to your request within 45 days of your request, unless we provide you with notice that it will take more than 45 days to respond (in that case, we won’t take more than 90 days to respond)


  • If the business denies any of your requests, you may appeal by calling us at 800-503-5814 or submit your online request here.
  • We will respond to your appeal within 45 days of receipt, unless we notify you that we will require an additional 15 days to respond.
  • If you remain concerned about the result of that appeal, you may contact the attorney general in your state of residency.


We will review this notice annually and update it from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page and will become effective as of the “Last Revised” date. We encourage you to review this notice periodically to be sure you are aware of those changes.


Last Revised: December 14, 2022